传统的Force Volume(力曲线阵列)模式是一种在生物力学研究中广泛使用的有效技术。对分子和细胞如何对机械刺激做出反应或对其环境上施加作用力感兴趣的研究人员,可借助AFM 来获得高精度力-距离测量的二维阵列。可获得力变化和形貌图像,以及任意一点的力曲线。
布鲁克的FastForce Volume扩展了传统技术,可在保持pN触发力的同时使力-距测量频率超过100Hz,从而可将图像采集速度提高10倍以上,并缩小与PeakForce Tapping®所采用频率之间的差距。因此,FastForce Volume与PeakForce Tapping相结合可以研究柔软生物样品以及聚合物和其他材料在次赫兹到千赫兹下的力学性能。
与高精度PeakForce QNM®工具包一起使用时,新的FastForce Volume模式无需参考样品也可以立即提供定量纳米力学数据。得益于布鲁克的预校准探针,它们在软件工作流程的集成以及在FastForce Volume模式下实时和离线显示性能图的灵活性,使得校准数据的采集简单易用。
目前,Force Volume Mapping包括实时和离线定量性能计算。其中包含DMT模量、针尖-样品粘附力和适用于柔软生物样品的Sneddon模型模量,。
在布鲁克的纳米力学套件中,Force Volume是一项宝贵的传统技术。Force Volume用户也会希望尝试变革性的新模式PeakForce QNM。
When used together with the PeakForce QNM® high-accuracy kit, the new FASTForce Volume also provides quantitative nanomechanical data out of the box, without any need of a reference sample. Bruker’s precalibrated probes, their integration into the workflow in the software, and the availability of property maps real-time and off-line in FastForce Volume mode enable acquisition of this calibrated data without added complexity.
Force Volume Mapping now includes real-time and offline quantitative property calculations. Calculations include DMT modulus, tip-sample adhesion, and the Sneddon modulus model, ideal for soft biological samples.
Force Volume is a valuable legacy technique in Bruker’s Nanomechanics Package. Force Volume users will want to explore the game-changing new mode, PeakForce QNM.
Contact resonance (CR) is a variation on FASTForce Volume where the cantilever is oscillated through its resonant frequency while in contact with the sample. An amplitude versus frequency plot is created that contains a peak with its maximum at resonance. These contact resonance spectra can be analyzed to obtain dissipation (proportional to peak width Q) and stiffness (proportional to peak location f).
FASTForce Volume CR is not operating in contact mode like traditional contact resonance measurements, thus significantly reducing wear on the tip. This enables reliable and repeatable measurements even on very stiff materials.
我们非常喜欢 FASTForce 卷。力曲线的速度和精度给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们很容易从 10 到 150 Hz 的起动细胞上具有适当的弯曲器,曲线看起来非常好,基线平坦,像素密度也不错。