Make MR more relevant

Drug Discovery Research

NMR is a powerful tool in drug discovery. NMR provides many advantages over other methods, such as the ability to directly observe chemical compounds and target biomolecules, and to be used for ligand-based and protein-based approaches

The Biomedical Solid-State NMR group at Utrecht University uses advanced solid-state NMR methods to study antibiotics in medically relevant conditions.

Group Leader Dr. Markus Weingarth gives an insight about their research

It is about understanding how exactly an antibiotic binds a specific target in the bacterial cell membrane. The understanding of how antibiotics target a specific bacterial lipid gives crucial information for how to improve these antibiotics and to break bacterial resistance in order to make better drugs that cure people.

Group Leader Dr. Markus Weingarth gives an insight about their research.

Applied solid state NMR to pharmaceuticals & plant cell walls

Steven Brown is a Professor at the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick.

His main focus is using Solid State NMR for the development of high-resolution methods (especially 1H) using dipolar and J couplings with the 1.0 GHz.

Steven Brown is a Professor at the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick.