Clinical samples for proteomic analysis are challenging due to high variability from interpersonal diversity and heterogeneous sample collection/storage. Analyzing larger sample series helps to overcome inevitable variability but is often linked to fast LC MS/MS, covering a small proteome fraction. Yet, maintaining depth is crucial for exploring low-abundance proteins and protein relationships. Hence, the key to extracting biologically relevant information is to balance scale and depth.
In this presentation, challenges and optimized analysis of neat plasma, along with functionalized nanoparticles enrichment analysis in a cohort of 264 Becker myodystrophy patients will be discussed. As each biofluid presents its own challenges, also in-depth urine analysis, providing concrete examples from a cohort of 184 patients with rare nephropathologies will be shared.
Chiara Guerrera, Ph.D., IRHC, HDR, Head of Necker Proteomics, Faculty of Medicine, University Paris Cité, France
For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.