X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Webinar

Successful use of latest benchtop XRF technology for better lubricants

Educational Webinar Series

Successful Implementation of Latest Benchtop XRF in Efficient Industrial Process Control and Cutting-Edge Applications in Research

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry has evolved to become a vital tool for elemental analysis in the industry and research. It monitors industrial processes for optimal throughput, supports to enhance product quality and gives developers inside information on modern materials.


In this free webinar series, we will cover all substantial technical information and latest progress in instrument development with focus on compact benchtop XRF instruments.

In each 45-minute webinar, we will talk about applications and the benefits of using XRF in these segments. Based on relevant application examples, payback stories and benefits around the industrial processes will be highlighted and discussed.

The presentation will be followed by an audience Q&A session.


Kai Behrens

Dr. Kai Behrens

Head of XRF Product Line Management, Bruker AXS

Adrian Fiege

Dr. Adrian Fiege

Product Manager XRF, Bruker AXS

Frank Portala

Frank Portala

Product Manager XRF, Bruker AXS