North American AFM User Meeting

  • [ START: 00:03:02]
    Mapping Nanomechanical Properties: How to Best Benefit from the Latest Innovations in PeakForce QNM
  • [ START: 00:31:19]
    Multidimensional Imaging of Physical Properties of Materials Using Novel Ringing Mode
  • [ START: 00:59:36]
    Using Machine Learning to Classify and Correlate AFM Phase Images
  • [ START: 01:29:24]
    Live Demonstration feat. Ringing Mode
  • [ START: 01:48:21]
    Accessing the Viscoelasticity of Polymers at Multiple Scales: Bulk vs. AFM-nDMA
  • [ START: 02:12:02]
    Live Demonstration feat. nDMA
  • [ START: 02:29:54]
    Live Demonstration feat. PeakForce Tapping

Day 1 Full Video Program

  • [ START: 00:01:00]
    Review of Recent Advances in Electrical Characterization using Atomic Force Microscopy
  • [ START: 00:22:49]
    Advances in Understanding Electrochemical Degradation: The Power of Co-Localized KPFM
  • [ START: 00:53:27]
    Understanding the Mechanism of (Photo)Electrochemical Transformations in Functional Architectures for Artificial Photosynthesis
  • [ START: 01:22:20]
    Live Demonstration feat. ssPFM
  • [ START: 01:43:08]
    Quantifying Nanoscale Electromechanical Properties using Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
  • [ START: 02:09:25]
    Live Demonstration feat. DataCube PFTUNA
  • [ START: 02:30:35]
    Live Demonstration feat. KPFM

Day 2 Full Video Program

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