HRXRD is well established for the measurement of epi-layers. The Bruker QCVelox-E is the state of the art leader in epi monitoring and is widely used in the compound semi industry. One key application is the monitoring of the epi-layers in pHEMT structures used for RF devices. These structures contain combinations of InGaAs, AlGaAs and GaAs layers, and the individual composition and thicknesses are critical to performance. Using HRXRD allows these parameters to be precisely determined in a few minutes, with fully automated measurement and RADS analysis being performed.
Optional SECS-GEM factory host software and robot loading are available to complete the automation of the system.
Composition, strain state and layer thickness are the key parameters that determine the performance of semiconductor devices like HEMTs or laser structures.
High-resolution X-ray diffraction is the analytical method of choice when it comes to determining these parameters with highest possible accuracy.
Bruker‘s XRD flagship solution, the D8 DISCOVER family, is equipped with leading technology X-ray sources and detectors, high resolution optics and sample stages that allow for large wafer mapping.
The D8 DISCOVER combines XRD performance with ease-of-use. Automated measurement and analysis routines make it the perfect solution for the investigation of semiconductor heterostructures in research and process development.