Local information

How to reach Bruker AXS & Bruker Nano Surfaces Inc. in Karlsruhe

International flights to Frankfurt. From Frankfurt Airport by train 1 hour train ride to Karlsruhe.

Please catch up on any changes due to track construction works in the city centre!


From Karlsruhe Central Station take a taxi to SIEMENS, Oestliche Rheinbrueckenstraße or to your hotel.

Public transportation services

From Karlsruhe Central Station take tramway line 2 to Siemensallee (Eastern gate) or tramway line 4 and then switch at Europaplatz into the tramway line S5 to Siemens (Main gate).

From the centre of Karlsruhe take tramway line S5 to Siemens (Main gate) or the tramway line 2 to Siemensallee (Eastern gate).


Local trainings in Germany

For registration as well as travelling and accommodation arrangements, please contact:

Bruker AXS SE
Training Center
Östliche Rheinbrückenstr. 49
76187 Karlsruhe, Germany

Phone: +49 721 50997 0
Email: customer-training@bruker.com

For further requests or comments, please contact our training coordinators:

XRF: Dr. Jan Stelling; Phone: +49 5031 9747027
XRD: Dr. Michael Evans; Phone: +49 721 50997 5646
SC-XRD: Tobias Stürzer; Phone: +49 721 50997 5608
CS/ONH: Christian Zühlke; Phone: +49 721 50997 5361

Additional Bruker AXS SE company information

Company registration number: HRB 751520
WEEE registration number: DE 37 676 720