NMR Automation

SamplePro Tube

The SamplePro Tube is a XYZ robotic system for general liquid handling tasks, focusing on the demands of sample preparation for NMR measurements and into NMR tubes.
Improve Productivity & Efficiency
For unattended preparation and sampling, free up your valuable lab staff from low-value repetitive tasks
Providing choice to specific application needs and options

Out-of-the-box validated sample preparation methods referenced to golden NMR spectra


Improved Safety
Automatic controls to detect new source container prevent sample mix-up during the preparation proce


The Challenge:  Transfer and mixing of samples directly in the long, thin glass tubes, in order to avoid a detrimental effect on NMR resolution, all liquid transfers – especially adding and mixing internal standards or solvents – need to be performed without creating air bubbles, foam or concentration gradients.

  • SampleProTube meets the challenges in NMR sample preparation, with out-of-the-box qualified methods for each of the typical NMR solvents
  • High precision pump suited for dispensing volumes (with volume variation less than 1%)
  • Pipetting needle suited for long-thin NMR tubes, from 1.7mm to 5mm diameters
  • Extra long pipetting needle for handling 7inch NMR tubes
  • Patented down-holder and centering system acts as a needle guide, ensures no spillage while avoiding needle damage
  • Sample cooling modules
  • Automated self-identification of labwares on decktrays, eliminating typical system administration tasks associated with adding new source containers, changing types or positions
  • Automated inventory self-check, triggered by sensors on system hood
  • SamplePro LAB2NMR: a fully integrated, walkaway system that prepares samples and sends them directly to the NMR spectrometer. This system has a second robotic arm with a gripper tool to transfer the samples, and features extra shielding to protect the sample preparation platform from the NMR’s magnetic field
  • A validated method for SamplePro Tube is available to prepare samples according to the B.I.Methods Sample Preparation SOP for 5mm Plasma/Serum. Samples prepared by the SamplePro Tube are ready for NMR Measurement according to B.I.Methods 1.x and 2.x and subsequent data analysis with B.I. Quant-PS, B.I. LISA or PhenoRisk PACS™


  • Free up your scientists and lab assistants from repetitive tasks: from 7.5 hours of manual pipetting reduced to 2.5 hours for a rack of 96 NMR samples
  • Enables precise and accurate results, especially adding and mixing internal standards or solvents without creating air bubbles, foam or concentration gradients that can negatively impact the NMR sample-turnaround-time
  • Secure handling when managing biohazards
  • Traceability controls ensure no sample mix-up: barcode-oriented software control strategy, so the system always knows the identity and geometry of all the containers on the workdeck
  • Avoid needle damage and spillage, thanks to the patented needle downholder
    Maximized ease-of-use when adding new labware or source containers to the decktray – automated labware detection eliminates overhead associated with system administration

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Service and Life Cycle Support

Bruker’s commitment to provide customers with unparalleled help throughout the buying cycle, from initial inquiry to evaluation, installation, and the lifetime of the instrument is now characterized by the LabScape service concept.

LabScape Maintenance Agreements, On-Site On-Demand and Enhance Your Lab are designed to offer a new approach to maintenance and service for the modern laboratory