Atomic Force Microscopy

BioAFM Podcast Episodes

Stay informed about interesting and innovative uses of BioAFM technology

Conversations on AFM
Episode 1: Interview with an AFM pioneer
with Prof. Mervyin Miles

Join us as we delve into the world of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), from the nanoscale to the big picture, in this new podcast series “Conversations on AFM”, where we will be talking to pioneers in the field of AFM and experts from diverse fields of science about their research and innovative applications!             

In this first episode, we had the pleasure of speaking to the distinguished Prof. Mervyn Miles, a pioneer in the field of AFM. Prof. Miles talks about the technology, placing it in a historical context, from the early beginnings to Dr. Toshio Ando’s groundbreaking work on the development of high-speed AFM. He speaks on trends and applications, from the importance of automation, high-speed data acquisition, and AI machine learning to future applications in biomedical science.

Conversations on AFM
Episode 2: Applications of BioAFM in Life Sciences
with Dr. André Körnig

In Episode 2 of "Conversations on AFM" we host Dr. Andre Körnig, an application scientist at the JPK BioAFM Center, Bruker Nano GmbH. We explore the applications of BioAFM in life sciences, highlighting its versatility and ability to image biological sample's without extensive preparation.

Dr. Körnig shares his journey into AFM, emphasizing its unique ability to bridge physics and biology. Such as when studying mechanosensation in cancer research and multiparametric imaging of fibroblasts.

Conversations on AFM
Episode 3: Insights of a Scientist, Nanomechanics in Living Cells
with Prof. Dr. Kristina Kusche-Vihrog

In this episode, Prof. Kristina Kusche-Vihrog, Director of the Lübeck Institute of Physiology, Germany, speaks about her fascinating work investigating the nanomechanical properties of cells, their role in physiological mechanisms and implications for medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

She discusses the importance of endothelial cell stiffness in health, the role of the glycocalyx, and the impact of inflammatory processes on endothelial dysfunction. This episode explores bench-to-bedside AFM applications and potential future advancements in clinical diagnostics.