APEX5 Software
APEX5 Software
Difração de raios-x de cristal único (SC-XRD)

APEX5 Software

APEX offers an all-encompassing solution for crystallography, from instrument control to refined structure publication. World-class data processing engines are seamlessly integrated with a modern graphical interface providing an intuitive user experience - suitable for both novice and experienced crystallographers.

The Benefits of APEX

The APEX software suite redefines the standard in single crystal X-ray diffraction, offering unparalleled data acquisition and processing speeds and capabilities, precise structure refinement, and seamless publication.

Enhanced Features - Improved User Experience

  • Modern Interface: The graphical interface in APEX is more intuitive and user-friendly, catering to both novice and experienced crystallographers.
  • AI-Based Centering: APEX uses advanced deep learning technology for automatic crystal centering, which is faster and more accurate than previous methods.
  • XRD2 Eval Plugin: This new plugin automates µPXRD data acquisition, including frame correlation, merging, and integration, which were not as streamlined in earlier versions.
  • CIF Report Generation: APEX offers more advanced CIF support, including automatic addition of experimental data and processing details, making it easier to generate complete and accurate CIFs.

Get in touch with your Bruker sales contact for a demo version.

The world’s most powerful crystallographic software package is also the easiest to learn and use.

  • Future-Proof and Performance-Oriented, fully 64-bit compatible.
  • CIRRUS - cloud-based sample management workflow for crystallography service providers.
  • Revolutionary automated structure determination with STRUCTURE NOW.
  • Reliable data collection strategy calculations, data integration, scaling and structure solution.
  • Outstanding graphical user interface for model building, and refinement.
  • Integrated Database check for CSD, COD and local structures.
  • Reciprocal Space Viewer - Unmatched Handling of Challenging Samples.
  • Central hub for third party crystallographic software.
  • By Crystallographers, for Crystallographers.
  • CPU-intense tasks are fully parallelized.
  • Installs with a single mouse click.
Watch the new APEX video

CIRRUS - Cloud data exchange for Crystallography Service Providers

CIRRUS is a new cloud-based sample management workflow for crystallography service providers. It enables you to conveniently manage your users and their requested jobs in one place. This saves time and ensures your information is always accurate and up-to-date.

CIRRUS provides your users with standardized templates for sample submission, that are seamlessly imported to APEX ensuring you have all the details needed to start the experiment in APEX.

CIRRUS benefits you and your users

  • User-friendly sample submission
  • Streamlined user and job management, efficient scheduling, and faster turnaround times
  • Paper-free digital sample management, saving time and improving information flow
  • Standardized forms ensure complete submissions for successful structural analysis
  • Seamless integration with APEX for convenient and error-free data transfer
  • Enhanced communication and data security, for improved user satisfaction


Crystallography made easy

See how the atomic structure of a metalorganic compound is solved in only 15 minutes using fully automated data collection, processing and structure refinement.

STRUCTURE NOW é o nosso novo plug-in para determinação automatizada de estruturas. Ele aplica a mais recente tecnologia de Inteligência Artificial (AI) para automatizar a determinação da estrutura para o usuário. Automatizar processos economiza tempo e energia, torna seu trabalho mais simples e aumenta sua produtividade e eficiência.

STRUCTURE NOW fornece feedback contínuo sobre o andamento do processo de determinação da estrutura. Automação inteligente quando você quiser e controle instantâneo sempre que precisar.

Recursos de software

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