What if there was a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instrument everybody could operate, that is as easy to use as infrared spectroscopy and as easy to interpret as mass spectrometry? Bruker has reimagined high-performance NMR spectroscopy in a compact, cost-efficient and straightforward form: the Fourier 80 FT-NMR benchtop system. Watch the webinar to learn more about it.
NMR, although providing a more sophisticated answer to the classical chemical questions than many other analytical techniques, is often considered as time consuming, complex and expensive to maintain. However, this new compact NMR benchtop system can be placed in the fume hood or on a bench without requiring any infrastructure or liquid cryogens. Depending on the chemical question, an intuitive, modern interface guides new users to easily set up data acquisition, receive high-quality data and therefore adopt the Fourier 80 quickly. Additionally, more experienced users can rely on Bruker’s well established, industry standard TopSpin software with its full functionality and flexibility for data acquisition and analysis.
TUESDAY 08 October 2019
In this webinar we will introduce the Fourier 80, highlighting technical features and demonstrating GoScan, a push-button interface for data acquisition of pre-defined or customized experiments. Moreover, we will focus on various experiments and applications to show how the Fourier 80 can give direct access to the power of NMR in your lab
This webinar is especially dedicated to you, if you are dealing with at least one the points listed below – whether using NMR or other analytical methods:
Dr. Venita Decker
Product Manager FT-NMR benchtop solutions, BBIO, Bruker BioSpin, Rheinstetten, Germany
Dr. Venita Decker studied Neuroscience, but did her dissertation in the field of solid-state NMR (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen). In 2012, she joined the Bruker solid-state NMR application. As a NMR-late entrant she since then actively supported Bruker solutions that simplify the complexity of NMR (TopSolids, the minispec FormCheck). Since 2018, she is the Product Manager for FT-NMR benchtop solutions, bringing her mission to the next level.
Dr. Clemens Anklin
Vice President of NMR Applications and Training - Bruker BioSpin - Billerica, Massachusetts
In 1984 Clemens Anklin obtained a PhD in chemistry from the Swiss Institute of Technology ETH. In 1984 he joined Spectrospin (later Bruker) as a NMR applications scientist and in 1988 transferred to the United States to build an applications team in the US. He now serves as Vice President for NMR applications and training for the Americas.