Success in the metals industry depends on accurate knowledge of element concentrations. Having this information at your fingertips and faster than others may give you a competitive edge that can make or break your business.
Join us for the product launch of a new spark spectrometer that will move your business forward. Our advanced technology gives you the information you need faster, more accurately, and whenever you need it - with the highest instrument reliability guaranteed. Make your life and the life of your metallurgists easier and become more efficient: Register today!
Our experts will answer your questions during the Q&A sessions.
The live Launch Event is over, but you can watch the recording of both sessions. Please sign up here:
Ekkehard Gerndt
Vice President & General Manager Elemental Analysis
Jon Giencke
Global Marketing Manager XRD & XRM
Bruker AXS, Madison, US
Michael Schuricke
Engineering R&D, Physics
Okan Celik
Application Scientist OES/CGA, Karlsruhe, Germany
Peter Paplewski
Product Line Manager OES, Karlsruhe, Germany