XRF Sample Preparation
XRF Sample Preparation
XRF Webinar

XRF Sample Preparation

Oct 14, 2021 | 11AM SGT

Join us for an informative webinar

This 90-min webinar consists of 2 sessions.

1. Overview of sample preparation techniques for XRF analysis

  • Particle size and mineral effect
  • How to prepare a nice pressed pellet?
  • Loose powder and liquids, which film to use?
  • What if I have a small quantity?

2. Sample Preparation Techniques for Fusion Discs

The data produced by a XRF instrument is only as good as the quality of the sample presented to it.  To gain the best results from your instrument, ideally the sample should be flat, smooth and fully homogeneous.  Samples prepared by lithium borate fusions can provide highly accurate results for materials such as minerals, ores, cements and glass.

This session will focus on:

  • Pressed pellets versus fusion discs
  • Choosing a flux and additives
  • The fusion process
  • Successfully casting fusion beads
  • Drift monitors



Low Hou Ran

Applications Manager, Bruker AXS

Danny Verbeeten

General Manager, XRF Scientific