Obesity is fast becoming a global health issue in this rapidly modernizing world, placing enormous stress on healthcare expenditures worldwide. Obesity is now known to be much more than a cosmetic problem with its association with a wide plethora of diseases ranging from heart disease to diabetes. MRI techniques, well known for being non-ionizing and highly versatile, are increasingly being used to study various aspects of obesity.
In this webinar, Dr. S. Sendhil Velan from Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore will describe the methods and applications suitable for investigating obesity. The study of fat distribution is important to understand the pathophysiology of obesity related disorders, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. He will also highlight some of the ongoing efforts in imaging fat partitioning during obesity and methodological advances for imaging white and brown adipose tissues in both rodents and human studies.
Applications of Fat-Water Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Abdominal Fat, Fat Composition, Liver Fat, Skeletal Muscle Lipids, White and Brown Adipose Tissues (WAT/BAT).
Researchers interested in translational research of obesity and metabolism and in imaging fat partitioning during obesity and weight loss.
Dr. S. Sendhil Velan
Head of the Metabolic Imaging Group at Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC)
Dr. S. Sendhil Velan is the head of the Metabolic Imaging Group at Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC) and concurrently a principal investigator at the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS). He is focused on translational imaging of metabolic diseases. He is involved in several clinical trials where the knowledge gained through pre-clinical imaging is being translated to clinical practice.