maldi imaging
maldi imaging

Poster Hall: MALDI Imaging and SpatialOMx®

Poster Hall MALDI Imaging and SpatialOMx®

Bruker’s MALDI Imaging systems are impacting a wide range of research fields. Inside this poster hall we present a selection of recent scientific presentations that employ MALDI Imaging or SpatialOMx® to answer a variety of biological questions. Please browse the posters to see how the versatility of MALDI Imaging may help you overcome research challenges.

We are grateful to the authors for allowing their posters to be included.

Poster Hall MALDI Imaging


Poster AACR 2024: MALDI-IHC high-plex protein biomarker imaging for fast, non-iterative identification of lung carcinoma subtypes

Poster IMSIS 2023: Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging to predict patient’s treatment response from bladder resections

Poster IMSIS 2023: Predictive proteomics in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma using mass spectrometry imaging

Poster ASMS 2023: MALDI Imaging of 13C6-Glucose Uptake Measured in TCA Metabolites from Glioblastoma Mouse Brain

Poster ASMS 2023: Tumor heterogeneity of glioblastoma analyzed via SpatialOMx® and HiPLEX-IHC MALDI Imaging

Poster Imaging Workshop Uppsala 2023: Spatial multiomics show lipid metabolism alterations in prostate cancer

Poster Imaging Workshop Uppsala 2023: Breast Cancer: Characterization of Hormone Receptor Status Using Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Poster IMSC 2022: Multiomic analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma using MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Poster ASMS 2022: Precision proteomics for the characterization of follicular-patterned thyroid neoplasms entities

Poster ASMS 2022: Oncogene induced shifts in metabolic flux of bi-clonal tumours as revealed by stable isotope labeling and mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) analysis

Customer Poster ASMS 2022: Mass spectrometry imaging of the metabolic landscape of human papillomavirus-associated versus carcinogen-driven head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Customer Poster ASMS 2022: Spatially Resolved Lipidomic Profiling of Ovarian Cancer Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Poster ASMS 2021: N-glycosylation of hepatocellular carcinoma correlates with genetic subtypes

Poster 2020: Molecular characterization of NAFLD-related liver cancer in pig using MALDI imaging mass spectrometry and shotgun proteomics

Poster 2019: Derangements of amino acids in cachectic skeletal muscle are caused by mitochondrial dysfunction

Poster 2019: MALDI-MSI analysis enables a spatially resolved characterisation of the proteome and metabolome in radiotherapy treated HNSCC 

Poster 2019: Multimodal FTIR Microscopy-guided MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Tumor Analysis 

Poster 2019: Optimized data analysis pipeline for MALDI MSI based tumor typing from FFPE tissue samples evaluated on six benchmark classification tasks

Poster 2019: Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis in Endometrial Cancer by multi-modal mass spectrometry imaging 

Poster 2018: A novel imaging mass spectrometry method for visualizing chemical communication in metastasis

Poster 2018: N-Linked Glycan Branching and Fucosylation are Increased Directly in HCC Tissue as Determined Through in situ Glycan Imaging 

Poster 2018: Altered metabolism in prostate cancer and stroma detected through MALDI-TOF MSI 

Poster 2018: Combining Mass Spectrometry Imaging and top-down proteomics to predict immunotherapy response in non-small-cell lung cancer patients 


Poster ASMS 2024: Expansion Imaging Mass Spectrometry for High Spatial Resolution Lipid Analysis using a Superabsorbant Hydrogel

Poster ASMS 2024: High-Throughput Lipid Profiling of Protein Classified Cells Using Optically Guided Single-Cell Mass Spectrometry

Poster ASMS 2024: Mass spectrometry imaging of the developing amphibian brain: Discovering molecular markers of neurodevelopment

Poster IMSIS 2024: Deep molecular coverage at faster throughput: IR Guided MALDI Imaging in cancer research

Poster IMSIS 2024: Integrative single-plaque analysis reveals signature Aß and lipid profiles in the Alzheimerplaque analysis reveals signature Aß and lipid profiles in the Alzheimer’’s brains brain

Poster IMSIS 2024: Introducing FISCAS a software tool for compiling single cell a software tool for compiling single cell MSI data

Poster IMSC 2022: microGRID Technology For Robust High-resolution Imaging Down To The (Sub)cellular Level

Poster ASMS 2022: A sample stage design for MALDI Imaging with adaptive laser optics improves positioning accuracy for high resolution imaging

Customer Poster ASMS 2022: Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Imaging to Study Lipid Metabolism in Parkinson’s Disease Model

Customer Poster ASMS 2022: Lipidome Alterations in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Mapped via FTICR Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Customer Poster ASMS 2022: Novel mass tags for the sensitive detection of steroidal ketones by MALDI MSI

Poster ASMS 2021: A combination of single-cell MALDI-MS imaging and fluorescence microscopy to explore molecular heterogeneity in cell cultures

Poster ASMS 2021: MALDI imaging analysis of the canine heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis using a timsTOF fleX 

Poster 2020: MALDI-2 laser post-ionization on a trapped ion mobility orthogonal time of flight instrument

Poster 2020: In situ isobaric and isomeric lipid mapping and identification by MALDI-Ion Mobility Separation-Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Poster 2020: Advanced Methods for Differentiating Lipid Isomers in Tissue using Trapped Ion Mobility Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Poster 2019: High Speed, High Lateral Resolution Lipid Imaging in a MALDI-Q-TOF

Spatial Proteomics

Poster ASMS 2024: Combining Drug and Targeted Protein Imaging to Uncover Molecular Changes Associated with Cancer Treatment

Poster ASMS 2024: Cyclic MALDI-IHC for Successive High-plex and Multimodal Imaging of Tissues and Tissue Microarrays

Poster ASMS 2024: MALDI-ICC and SpaceM on PBMCs Spiked with Cancer Cells for Highly Multiplexed, Multiomic and Multimodal Single-Cell Profiling

Poster IMSC 2024: Development of a Robust Protocol for Profiling Peptides by MALDI-MSI

Poster 2023: MALDI-IHC-Guided In-Depth Spatial Proteomics - Targeted and Untargeted MSI Combined

Poster 2023: Targeted protein imaging of kidney pathologies using MALDI Imaging

Poster HUPO 2023: Towards Single-Cell MALDI HiPLEX-IHC: Multiplexed, Multiomic and Multimodal Imaging of Targeted Intact Proteins and Untargeted Metabolites

Poster IMSIS 2023: Combination of Multimodal Single Cell Imaging Methods with Multiplexed Enzyme-based MALDI-Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Translational Studies

Poster ASMS 2023: MALDI HiPLEX-IHC Imaging of FFPE Human Kidney tissue at 5 μm utilizing microGRID on timsTOF fleX MALDI-2

Poster ASMS 2022: MALDI HiPLEX-IHC: Highly Multiplex & Multiomic Tissue Imaging with Photocleavable Mass-Tagged Probes

Customer Poster ASMS 2022: Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Protein Localization and Characterization in Thermoembolized Hepatic Porcine Tissue

Poster 2020: In depth Proteomics of Hair Follicles of whiskers from W mutant mice clarifies KIT restriction on hematopoiesis and melanogenesis

Poster 2019: Fast and Sensitive Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Using a Trapped Ion Mobility Q-TOF

Poster 2019: Combining MALDI Imaging and Liquid Surface Extraction for Spatial Metabolomics


Poster IMSC 2024: Optimisation of Multi-omic Spatial Analyses of endometriosis  FFPE tissues using MALDI MSI

Poster ASMS 2023: SpatialOMx® analysis allows for the specific identification of lipid species paving the way for accurate flux analysis

Poster IMSC 2022: Host-Microbe Interaction: SpatialOMx® as Key Technology to Gain Insight into Bacteria Localization and Function in Mussel Gills

Poster IMSC 2022: SpatialOMx® at its Best: Comparison of different Staining Procedures and Slide Types

Poster ASMS 2022: In situ murine thymic proteomics by using MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry in combination with shotgun LC-MS/MS

Poster ASMS 2022: Multi-omics strategy for the studies of immune regulation in pluripotent stem cell-based cardiac regenerative medicine in a swine model

Poster ASMS 2022: Microbe visualization and phenotype identification of mussel gills using SpatialOMx®

Poster ASMS 2022: Exploring human brain proteome of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry in combination with lipidomics in situ

Poster ASMS 2021: CCS-Enabled SpatialOMx® for automatic annotation of lipids in MALDI Images based on 4D-Lipidomics™ data

Poster ASMS 2021: Bringing Physiological Content to Omics Studies by Optimizing the Pixel to Chromatogram Connection through Spatialomx®

Poster 2020: In situ isobaric and isomeric lipid mapping and identification by MALDI-Ion Mobility Separation-Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Poster 2020: 4D-Lipidomics™ based automated annotation of MALDI Imaging data using a dedicated bioinformatics pipeline

Poster 2020: In depth proteomics of the kidneys from autoimmune type I diabetes rat model through MALDI - Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Poster 2020: Advanced Methods for Differentiating Lipid Isomers in Tissue using Trapped Ion Mobility Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Poster 2020: Non-targeted exploration of metabolic processes and xenobiotic metabolism in plants exposed to micropollutants using mass spectrometry imaging

Poster 2020: In depth Proteomics of Hair Follicles of whiskers from W mutant mice clarifies KIT restriction on hematopoiesis and melanogenesis

Poster 2019: MALDI mass spectrometry imaging guided LC-MS on the same instrument

Poster 2019: Characteristics of MALDI-imaging on a new dual ion source QTOF with TIMS separation


Poster ASMS 2024: Dissecting Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) brains with X-ray Phase-contrast microtomography combined with MALDI-Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Poster IMSIS 2024: A spatial multiomics workflow on a new benchtop MALDI-TOF instrument deciphering the lipid and protein landscape of tissues

Poster IMSIS 2024: Targeting of Neurotransmitter Changes in Rat Brains after Ketamine or Tetrabenazine Administration

Poster IMSIS 2023: High-Plex, Multiomic and Multimodal Imaging of PANTHOS Neuronal Degeneration in Model Alzheimer’s Transgenic Mouse Brain using MALDI-IHC

Poster ASMS 2023: A Novel 3D Imaging Pipeline for Analyzing Efficacy of Compounds on Amyloid-Beta Plaque Dynamics in Pre-clinical Alzheimer’s Disease Animal Models

Poster IMSC 2022: From Lipids and Drugs to Proteins: Identifying Co-localized Molecules Across Multiple Classes Using MALDI-HiPLEX-IHC

Poster ASMS 2022: Visualization of metabolites in the central nervous system (CNS) of murine olfactory deprivation model with MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Poster ASMS 2021: Amyloid Plaque Polymorphism is Associated with Distinct Lipid Accumulations Revealed by Trapped Ion Mobility (TIMS) Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Poster ASMS 2021: Exploring human brain proteome with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry in combination with shotgun proteomics

Poster 2020: New insights into vitamin D metabolism and androgen intracrinology by on-tissue derivatization and novel MALDI-2-MS ion Mobility (timsTOF-fleX) mass spectrometry

Poster 2020: Exploring in depth brain proteome of Alzheimer's disease (AD) with MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry incombination with shotgun proteomics


For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.