Indian Chapter
February 27th to March 1st, 2025 Hyderabad
Italian Chapter
March 24th to 26th, 2025 Lecco
Only half of a year after the last annual ISMRM Italian Chapter conference (also known as AIRMM), which focused on multicenter quantitative MRI and molecular MR imaging, and featured a round table entitled “Unmet clinical needs: the role of preclinical studies” that discussed strategies to increase preclinical – clinical interaction to better support clinical needs and research, the chapter met again on the 15th to 17th of April in Padua. The chapter decided to alter their meeting timing to have the chapter meeting take place before the ISMRM, and use it as a ramp-up for the international version. Quantification and the harmonization of preclinical and clinical acquisition and analysis remained at the forefront of discussions. The opening workshop focused on PET/MR applications, such as studying the relationship of biomarkets, i.e. GluCEST vs FDG.
The ninth annual ISMRM Japanese Chapter coference took place on September 21st in Chiba. This meeting, which was chaired by Dr. Fukunaga from the National Institute for Physiological Sciences was held together with the 52nd annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. A highlight was the presentation of the prestigous Seiji Ogawa Prize, named in honor or Seiji Ogawa's ground breaking work in fMRI to Dr. Hiroshi Tagawa from Kyoto University.
The ISMRM British and Irish chapter conference was held from the 11th to the 13th of September in Nottingham. The theme of the meeting was 50+ years of MRI, recognizing Nottingham’s long association with the development and application of magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI/S). While the 12th and 13th covered the full range of MRI topics, the opening day Bruker-sponsored workshop on the 11th focused on X-nuclei MRI/S and brought leading experts in the field together to discuss carbon, phosphor, sodium, and more. Bruker's presentation of the newly developed high throughput and yeild d-DNP hyperpolarizer by Dr. Willy Gsell was very well received by this audience.
The German ISMRM chapter celebrated its 26th annual conference, which was held from September 4th to 5th in Tübingen. Starting with this meeting, the chapter evolved into a German-speaking section of ISMRM (DACH-ISMRM (D = Germany, A = Austria, CH = Switzerland)) including scientists from nearby countries. Four plenary lectures from Prof. Jürgen Henning, Prof. Laura Schreiber, Dr. Natalia Petridou and Dr. Lars Hanson captured the audience on new frontiers of neuroimaging, cardiology, and general innovation in MRI.
Hot topics in this 2024 edition: Hyperpolarization and Metabolic Imaging, Clinical and Biological Applications and Hardware and software developments.
In addition, a special industry session focusing on careers opportunities for young scientists was organized.
The Indian chapter of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine hosted the “The 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Asian Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: Quantitative MR Imaging & AI (ASMRM 2023)” from August 25th to 27th, 2023 at the Indian National Science Academy Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg New Delhi with special emphasis on the Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Quantitative MR Imaging & Artificial Intelligence.
This three-day event brought prominent speakers from across the world together with a special focus on Asian talent. In addition to the plenary talks by senior faculty and clinician scientists from the Asia Pacific region, the USA, as well as Europe, Bruker held two virtual presentations: “Overview on Preclinical Imaging” and “Application of preclinical imaging in cancer research and drug discovery”.
The 2024 edition of the Iberian Chapter Conference, which took place from the 2nd to the 3rd of July was extremely productive. It was held at i3S, the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health at the heart of the University of Porto and fostered fruitful discussions and great networking opportunities The very good balance between clinical, preclinical, and computational MRI created by the executive committee was highly appreciated by the attendees who enjoyed such keynote speakers as Emma Munoz-Moreno from IDIBAPS, Barcelona who heads the MRI Core facility and covers several applications such as neurodegenerative disease, neuropsychiatry and neurovascular diseases.