Pulsed EPR spectroscopy using high-power microwave pulses or arbitrary waveform generated (AWG) broadband pulses require a large resonator bandwidth (low resonator Q) to avoid distortion of the pulse shape. However, this often comes at the cost of a reduced microwave conversion factor. Loop-Gap Resonators (LGR) combine all these desired features together with an excellent field homogeneity across the sample. This is especially important when using AWG generated broadband pulses. Our Q-Band LGR combines all of these highly desired features.
The Q-Band LGR is optimized for pulsed dipolar EPR spectroscopy (DEER/PELDOR, SIFTER, RIDME, DQC, etc.). The probe can be operated from 2 K to room-temperature and is compatible with standard cryostats such as the CF935. The probe is connected to the spectrometer using a standard WR-28 waveguide coupling. For pulsed EPR experiments the iris coupling can be easily (remotely) adjusted, without the need of changing the resonator frequency.
The Q-Band LGR was designed for small samples sizes and comes in two flavors:
For accurate temperature readings a temperature sensor is mounted right next to the sample space. Instead of relying on the cryostat temperature, this will give more accurate readings of the actual sample temperature.
Maximally overcoupled, the resonator has a loaded Q of < 85, corresponding to a bandwidth of > 400 MHz. The mechanism is designed with convenience in mind and the maximum bandwidth can be reliably achieved every time. Even at this low Q, the microwave conversion factor is > 5.1 G/sqrt(W).
For DQC experiments, the entire EPR spectrum has to be excited. At Q-Band, the TEMPO spectrum has a width of ~ 250 MHz. The Bridge12 QLP resonator is ideally suited for these type of experiments. With a bandwidth of > 400 MHz and a large microwave conversion factor the LGR is ideally suited to excite the entire nitroxed spectrum for DQC spectroscopy.
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