Laboratory Data Management

Arxspan Registration

The Arxspan ChemReg and BioReg modules are a cloud-based solution built to serve as an authoritative repository for unique chemical and biological entities.

Arxspan Integrated Chemical and Biological Registration

Integrated Registration of Chemical and Biological Compounds and Materials

reference of chemical or biological entities
unified search across all registered entities
Chemically intelligent
structured database
identity criteria, mixtures, and cross referencing
100% web-based
(COTS) applications
manage all aspects of laboratory process and workflow in a single system without the need for any custom code
Electronic Lab Notebook
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Arxspan Registration


Record unique reference chemical or biological entities

The solution handles identity criteria, mixtures, and cross referencing, and provides unified search across all registered entities, including chemically intelligent searching for structures.

Arxspan’s products are 100% web-based commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications used as enterprise-wide data management and collaboration solutions. The platform provides the opportunity to manage all aspects of laboratory process and workflow in a single system without the need for any custom code.

  • User customizable fields and unlimited object types
  • Bulk registering of materials and updating of previously registered materials
  • Registrar approval workflow

Handling Chemistry

  • Push button registration from Chemistry ELN
  • Fully integrates with all common chemical drawing formats
  • Leverages ChemAxon platform to provide chemical intelligence functionality

Handling Biology

  • Register proteins, antibodies, enzymes, DNA, RNA, and cell lines, etc.
  • User definable uniqueness criteria
  • Ability to link uniquely registered subcomponents to describe a more complex biologic

Designed for both Chemical and Biological Materials and Compounds

Centralized data management

  • Easily access integrated cross-study, experiment, assay, compound or material data using Arxspan Search, without the need for time-intensive data processing
  • Either a stand-alone chemical and/or biological registration system, or may easily be integrated with Arxspan modules

Integrated data

  • Make informed scientific decisions by accessing integrated data using Arxspan Search
  • Registration is via an intuitive, browser-based and platform independent interface, allowing for unified registration and search across chemistry and biology, ideally suited for collaborative research needs.
  • Use Arxspan Search’s Decision Support Tool to visualize and act on insights from the centralized data

Increased flexibility

  • Readily integrates with other enterprise knowledge management systems

Enable collaboration

  • Using our SaaS hosting platform, external collaborators can securely submit entities while internal staff can manage registrar functions without duplicating data or effort