Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction

PROTEUM Software

PROTEUM5 - Outstanding Tools for the Best Protein Structures

Software is a crucial part of the investment in a crystallographic system. It provides the interface between you and your diffraction solution. With the new PROTEUM5 software suite for structural biology Bruker adds an impressive number of new features making it the most advanced software package for the investigation of protein samples: try out our new XPRESSO routine for screening and data processing and enjoy the convenience of automated data acquisition to exceptional success of automated phase determination.

If you are interested in small molecules, APEX is your choice for dedicated software for chemical crystallography.

Get in touch with your Bruker sales contact for a demo version.

What does modern crystallographic software do for you?

PROTEUM5 is easy to use and naturally guides you through the flow of the structure elucidation while keeping you informed about the progress and quality of the experiment—from quality assessment to phasing.

PROTEUM5 is intuitive, easy to learn, professionally supported, and uses world-class algorithms and scientific engines. It has the right level of automation for the novice, while providing detailed control for the expert.

PROTEUM5 is designed following modern Graphical User Interface (GUI) guidelines. Most importantly, the information load reflects the problem, consistency is ensured and the output is clearly presented and self-explanatory.

The New Highlights

  • Most comprehensive software package for protein diffraction using well tested first-class algorithms.
  • Unparalleled easy-of-use from sample mounting to data integration, scaling and phasing.
  • Easy sample screening with a comprehensive set of graphical tools for image analysis and fast and reliable indexing.
  • XPRESSO pipeline that takes automated structure elucidation to the next level.
  • Determine Phases is the new interface to Sheldrick’s programs for phasing with comprehensive graphical feedback and visualization of density maps and structures with COOT.
  • Best twin handling with indexing tools and deconvolution of the twin domains during data integration and scaling.

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