LabCast: Beyond Lipidomics: Single Cell Omics with Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry

December 6, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm CST


Lipids, the essential building blocks of cells, play a crucial role in cell biology and disease. However, their composition varies greatly between different cell types, posing a challenge for researchers seeking to understand their intricate functions. Single cell lipidomics, a powerful tool for studying this heterogeneity, has been hampered by limitations in existing methods.

This new single cell lipidomics method uses nanoflow liquid chromatography-timsTOF SCP to overcomes these limitations, enabling researchers to detect lipids from isolated single cells with unparalleled resolution and coverage. This groundbreaking technique promises to revolutionize our understanding of lipid heterogeneity and its implications in biomedical research.

Join us for an exclusive LabCast, where Mayo Clinic's Dr. Seul Kee Byeon will guide you through the intricacies of this transformative method. Dr. Byeon will provide an insightful introduction to the application of advanced multiomics technologies in solving complex biomedical research problems, paving the way for a new era of precision medicine. She will then showcase a hands-on demonstration of these techniques, empowering you to implement them in your own research endeavors.

There will also be an opportunity to engage a Q&A session to gain further insights.


  • Learn about a new and powerful single cell lipidomics method
  • Gain insights into the lipid composition of individual cells
  • Discover how single-cell lipidomics can be used to study cellular heterogeneity, cell-to-cell communication, and the role of lipids in disease
  • Seek clarification and get your questions answered  in a live Q&A

Who should attend:

  • Scientists interested in learning about single-cell lipidomics
  • Researchers who want to use single-cell lipidomics to study diseases, biomarkers, or cell fate decision
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about our cutting-edge single-cell lipidomics platform


Seul Kee Byeon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Dr. Seul Kee Byeon is a mass spectrometrist with over 10 years of experience in LC-MS-based lipidomics. She holds a Chemistry Ph.D. from Yonsei University, South Korea. With a decade of experience in LC-MS-based lipidomics, she focuses on clinical research for biomarker discovery and assay development. Joining Mayo Clinic as part of the Pandey Lab in 2022 and she leads lipid-based assay development at the Advanced Diagnostics Laboratory. Specializing in untargeted and targeted lipidomics, she identifies lipid biomarkers for diseases and employs a multi-omics approach for comprehensive disease signatures. Notably, she recently pioneered a single-cell lipidomics methodology using nanoflow LC and trapped ion mobility spectrometry for high-resolution lipid detection at the single-cell level.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in clinical diagnostic procedures.