FT-IR Spectroscopy for Catalysis Research
FT-IR Spectroscopy for Catalysis Research
Free Webinar

FT-IR Spectroscopy for Catalysis Research

Free Webinar on Demand

FT-IR Spectroscopy for Catalysis Research

Catalysis is everywhere in chemical industry. Estimated 90% of all commercially produced chemical products involve solid catalysts at some stage in the process. To understand the catalysis process step by step, e.g. adsorption of reactants, surface reaction, formation of surface anchored intermediates and desorption of products, (time resolved) FT-IR reaction monitoring is one of most popular tools.

In this Webinar we Will Cover the Following Topics:

  • current research interest in (heterogeneous) catalysis
  • critical cornerstones for instrumental setups
  • available accessories for in-situ reaction monitoring
  • application examples from various research fields

Who Should Attend:

  • Professors and post docs
  • Research fellows
  • Lab professionals
  • Graduated Students
  • PhDs


Dr. Xia Stammer

Application Scientist FT-IR
Bruker Optics