Getting your lab ready for microplastic analysis by FT-IR spectroscopy

The interest in complete microplastics solutions is tremendous, but many analytical labs shun the initial investment in time, money and labor to establish a well-running standard procedure.

Webinar Details

In this webinar, our microplastic application specialist Dr. Marten Seeba will show you:

  • Demands and requirements to establish a microplastic lab based on FT-IR technology
  • Necessary steps in sample preparation from various sources
  • Theoretical basics to understand the idea behind FT-IR analysis of microparticles
  • That there are wholesome, complete solutions to microplastic analysis, right out of the box

You will learn about:

  • Instrumental setup and experimentals
  • Particle analysis and evaluation
  • Microplastic software solutions

We will cover the basics of:

  • Sample types
  • Sample preparation steps
  • FT-IR experimental procedures
  • FT-IR instrumentation

Who should attend:

  • Analytical service laboratories
  • Environmental researchers
  • Food & Feed producers
  • Drinks & Beverages producers

About the Speaker

Dr. Marten Seeba

Dr. Marten Seeba graduated in chemistry from the University of Göttingen before joining Bruker as an application expert for FT-IR and IR laser microscopy. He is a point of contact for our customers and as such has gained a great deal of expertise in many applications such as microplastics, pharmaceuticals, tissue analysis and materials science.