Bruker Introduces Next-Generation Automated BioAFM for Quantification of Molecular Forces

ForceRobot 400 Enables High-Throughput Force Measurements for Single-Molecule Research

BERLIN, Germany – May 30, 2023 – Bruker has announced the release of the ForceRobot® 400 BioAFM, which marks a new milestone in force measurement capabilities. It sets new standards in automation, generating over 250,000 force curves per day to deliver the statistically significant datasets required for demanding discovery and preclinical research. The system incorporates generations of Bruker technology innovation to provide label-free, nanomechanical measurement of individual molecules in near-physiological conditions. Featuring advanced force curve profiles and innovative new tools, such as the SmartMapping functionality that allows the flexible selection of user-defined areas to be investigated, usability and productivity have been significantly improved. ForceRobot 400’s ability to sense and quantify forces at the molecular level and characterize the force-dependent properties of individual molecules enables researchers to make crucial insights into complex biological processes, such as the dynamics of protein folding or microbial binding mechanisms.

"The increased level of automation, in conjunction with advanced optical techniques, makes the new ForceRobot 400 an outstanding tool for the study of biophysical phenomena at the single-molecule scale,” said Professor Yi Cao, Department of Physics, Nanjing University, China. “Such force measurement capabilities enable the study of the mechanical properties of natural and synthetic polymers at the single molecular level, advancing the design and synthesis of novel macro- and nanomaterials.”

“The unprecedented data acquisition rate of ForceRobot 400 meets the growing demand for high-throughput technologies.” added Dr. Heiko Haschke, Director of Bruker’s BioAFM Business. “We expect its advanced automation and analysis capabilities, combined with enhanced ease of use, to allow researchers to generate high-content, high-value datasets that accelerate scientific discoveries, for example, in studies of protein structure and function, immunodiagnostics, and membrane protein research.” 

New Bruker ForceRobot 400 system fully integrated into an inverted fluorescence microscope.

About the ForceRobot 400

ForceRobot 400 can be seamlessly integrated into the latest research-grade optical microscopes with advanced and super-resolution capabilities, delivering real-time, correlative data sets for the comprehensive characterization of single-molecules. The system delivers advanced automation and unparalleled data acquisition rates and analysis capabilities. It also offers automated alignment and calibration features, along with innovative software capabilities that ensure autonomous operation and rapid results. The new SmartMapping feature allows the selection of flexible, user-defined 2D shapes of force maps and automatically adjusts for differences in sample height, enabling the characterization of challenging biological samples. ForceRobot 400 combines unprecedented motorized sample stage accuracy with large-scale Z-motors for the continuous evaluation and automated adaptation of the acquisition range, providing outstanding precision and highest force sensitivity. An extensive range of environmental control options enables users to study complex, living biological samples in near-physiological conditions. Versatile setups, pre-defined experimental methods, and automated modification of system parameters open new possibilities for long-term, self-regulating experiment series.

Media Contact:

Oilibhe Pabsch, M.Sc.
Scientific Affairs Manager BioAFM
Bruker Nano GmbH
T: +49 (30) 670990 7500