Verena Streitferdt
Verena Streitferdt

Collaborating for a sustainable future: Bruker and Dragonfly Energy advance battery technology

Interview with Vick Singh  SVP of Technology and Director of R&D at Dragonfly Energy Corp

Advancing Battery Technology Through Collaborative Innovation

As battery technology evolves, so do the challenges associated with its development and optimization. At Dragonfly Energy, a leading US-based company specializing in lithium-ion deep cycle batteries, we recognize the need for cutting-edge solutions. To address these challenges head-on, we’ve harnessed the power of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology.

The Intense Collaboration Between Bruker Experts and Dragonfly R&D

Our collaboration with Bruker experts has been transformative. By working closely together, we’ve created a dynamic synergy that accelerates innovation. Here’s how it works:

  1. Leveraging Bruker’s Expertise: Bruker is renowned for its expertise in instrument utilization. Their deep understanding of NMR technology allows us to explore battery materials and designs with greater precision.
  2. Insightful Questions from Dragonfly: Our R&D team at Dragonfly brings a fresh perspective. By asking insightful questions, we challenge assumptions and drive breakthroughs. Together, we uncover more certain findings in our laboratory experiments.

Faster Insights, Quicker Product Development

The benefits of this collaboration extend beyond the lab. By combining forces, we’ve achieved:

  • Faster Insights: Our joint efforts enable quicker analysis of battery performance data. This speed translates into informed decisions and rapid adjustments.
  • Quicker Product Development: With Bruker’s support, we’ve streamlined our development process. From benchtop prototypes to full-scale production, our innovations reach the market faster.

Discover More in Our Video Interviews

Curious about how NMR is shaping the future of battery technology? Join us in Watch our exclusive video interviews with Vick Singh, Director of R&D at Dragonfly Energy Corp. In episodes 1 and 2, Vick shares insights on collaborative research, manufacturing, and the exciting possibilities ahead.

NMR for battery research - interview with Dragonfly Energy Part 1

NMR for battery research - interview with Dragonfly Energy Part 2