Bruker’s Triple Resonance Probes (TXI) are used extensively for the family of triple resonance experiments developed to perform NMR structure determination of biological macromolecules. Select a probe with decoupling nuclei to match your sample requirements.
Inverse Triple Probes give you access to advanced NMR techniques, letting you pulse up to three or four nuclei, respectively, in one experiment.
The inner coil of these probes is optimized for 1H observation. The outer coil of TXI probe is optimized for decoupling of two specified nuclei. If you add a deuterium lock switch, you can decouple 2H as well, permitting decoupling of up to three nuclei in a single pulse sequence.
Bruker’s Triple Resonance Probes (TXI) are used extensively for the family of triple resonance experiments developed to perform NMR structure determination of biological macromolecules. Select a probe with decoupling nuclei to match your sample requirements.
Inverse Triple Probes give you access to advanced NMR techniques, letting you pulse up to three or four nuclei, respectively, in one experiment.
The inner coil of these probes is optimized for 1H observation. The outer coil of TXI probe is optimized for decoupling of two specified nuclei. If you add a deuterium lock switch, you can decouple 2H as well, permitting decoupling of up to three nuclei in a single pulse sequence.
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