Strumenti di RMN

RMN a stato solido

Bruker dispone di un'ampia gamma di prodotti per gli esperimenti estesi di RMN a stato solido, fornendo una sensibilità insuperabile nello sviluppo di nuove applicazioni nella ricerca biomolecolare, nella scienza dei materiali e in campo farmaceutico.

Solid-state NMR spectroscopy is a technique to characterize solid materials - e. g. catalysts, polymers, pharmaceutical formulations, or proteins - using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Crystalline phases, amorphous phases and mixtures can be studied alike.

Bruker’s solid-state NMR portfolio comprises high performance probes for Cross-Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (CPMAS) NMR, analytical solutions which are geared towards sensitivity enhancements such as Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and MAS CryoProbes, or High-Resolution (HR) MAS probes which are used for the analysis of semi-solids such as gels. In addition, Bruker offers a wide variety of specialty probes, e.g. for solid-state NMR experiments at extreme temperatures or probes which are intended for battery research. Bruker’s extensive probe portfolio is complemented by high-quality consumables and advanced automation solutions.

Please contact us to discuss your particular application. We would be delighted to support you in the selection of the most suitable instrumentation and the most suitable NMR experiments.

Bruker LabScape Consumables - Solid State NMR

Bruker LabScape® offers a wide range of certified consumables for various applications in solid state NMR.
